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General Info

Honey hunting occurs in very critical natural topography which is generally isolated from human habitation. We have to be well equipped with all food & tents or campaign management including guides, porters & sometimes we have to take help from villagers.

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home / environment conservation

The Environment Conservation

Today nature, the only source of human society and civilization, is being destroyed all over the world. All of us have to sincerely participate in the campaign to conserve this invaluable nature from our respective places. To this end, our venture expresses the commitment that ten percent of its income will be set aside for environment conservation. If we make money by displaying natural gifts like snow-capped mountains, rivers, lakes and wild animals and birds, it becomes our bounden duty to protect and promote them.

We are associated with the environmental conservation organisation, which goes by the name "Environment protection and promotion association of Nepal (EPPAN). We think that it should be the prime motto of each individual to protect this world from destruction. Global warming is creating hindrances to the lives in this Earth. Big organizations are working day & nigh to decrease the green house effect. "Qyoto protocol" & recent" Bali (Indonesia) environmental summit are the proofs, realizing all these crises our organization has promised to invest 10% of its benefit for environmental protection.

We believe in practical way rather than theoretical. So our objectives are as follows:
1. To Organize environmental awareness programs among the students.
2. To help, development of community forestry.
3. Plantation besides rivers & highways.
4. Conservation of flora & faunal.
5. Conservation of mountains, rivers, lakes and pollution control.
6. To conduct women awareness programs about environment
7. To organize mass awareness programs about the protection of environment, natural resources & its wise consumption.


1. We want to cope with Europe, .America, Japanese & other developed countries agencies for the promotion of our above mentioned products.
2. Environmental problem being a global problem, should be world wide. So such organizations should be interlinked and work together to save this unique living planet.


Ghalegaun Village Resort P. Ltd.
P.O.Box : 19913, Nayabazar, kathmandu.
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